We tested both – accountability is 3x better than porn blockers!
Ever Accountable is uniquely positioned to compare blocking software with accountability software, because we’ve developed and sell both types of apps. Both of our best-in-class apps consistently average close to 5 stars in online reviews.
We tested porn blocking versus accountability
We surveyed our customers using each app, asking how often they viewed porn before installing our apps versus how often they viewed porn afterwards. We ran the numbers.1 Here are the results!
Blocking App – Bulldog Blocker | Accountability App – |
17% view ZERO porn after getting a blocker | 68% view ZERO porn after getting accountable |
84% view far less porn after getting a blocker | 95% view far less porn after getting accountable |
Accountability is 3.2x more effective at reducing porn use and 2.6x more effective at completely eliminating it!
Why we believe our accountability app works best
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”
– Tony Robbins
- Being accountable reminds you that you are responsible to make good choices, instead of only leaning on a blocker app.
- Porn use thrives in secrecy. Accountability brings your online activity into the light. A porn blocker still allows you to hide your weak moments without asking for help. For many, knowing their partner will see their online activity reduces porn use to zero.
- Accountability opens hard, but powerful conversations with another person. Eric, one of our porn-fighters, says this “human element” empowered him to quit porn.
Do porn blockers work?
Using a porn blocker still benefits 84% of people. It’s quick and private.
You can get started right away without an accountability partner. If you’re not ready to get an accountability partner, a good porn blocker will probably still help you to reduce your porn use.
How to get our two porn-fighting apps
“I’m 26, and this addiction stole my life.
All my friends are gone, my wife is gone…” – anonymous
Ever Accountable shares all your online activity with a trusted accountability partner who gets a weekly report to review. You can get started with a free trial here.
“On one side of accountability is courage, on the other is freedom.”
― Jean Hamilton-Fford
Bulldog Blocker (*Android only) uses the power of AI to block pornographic images directly on your screen, not just in your browser. This includes blocking porn on social media apps, unlike almost every other porn blocker app on the market right now. Download the app and start your free trial right from Google Play
Accountability is 3x better than porn blockers -- how we calculated the data
The data is in! Accountability is most effective – 3x better than blockers – at helping people both avoid and eliminate pornography use.
Ultimately, it’s the best long-term solution for quitting porn and becoming the person you want to be. Please reach out to us at support@everaccountable.com if you have any questions.
How we collected the data and calculated the statistics: 1
- For detailed information on how we surveyed Ever Accountable customers and analyzed the data, click here.
- We have an ongoing survey inside Bulldog Blocker. Customers can take the survey after they have been using the app for about a month.
- In the survey we ask them how often they viewed pornography before they installed Bulldog Blocker. They have 3 choices: more than once a day, about once a day, or never.
- Next we ask how often they have viewed pornography SINCE they installed Bulldog blocker. They select from the same 3 choices.
- We filtered the results to include only those who report viewing pornography at least once every few weeks before they installed Bulldog.
- We calculated two percentages:
- The % of people who report viewing less porn since they installed Bulldog
- The % of people who report “never” viewing porn since they installed Bulldog
- The raw survey data is included here.
- Note that there are some other interesting findings in the data, such as the fact that most people report feeling less temptation to view pornography since they installed Bulldog
- All free-written responses were removed for privacy reasons
- To calculate the relative improvements of accountability over blocking, we first found the percentage of people who did not see the improvement, then divided. For example:
- 68% of people viewed zero porn with accountability software. This means 32% don’t view zero porn after getting accountable. Compared to 83% of blocker users don’t view zero porn after getting a blocker. This means accountability is 83% / 32% = 2.6% better than blocking at helping people get to zero porn use.
- Note: since this is an ongoing survey and answers come in all the time, we periodically re-calculate the statistics to get more accurate results.
*Data_All_240717.pdf – Bulldog Blocker survey
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Protection From Pornography
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